If I put my glasses in the vitrine, they will never break, but will they still be considered glasses?*
Or: Screening an Archive
* quoted after Christian Boltanski
for the show
Von Ferne. Bilder zur DDR
Museum Villa Stuck München (2019)
curated by Sabine Schmid
Catalogue at Buchhandlung Walther König, VON FERNE: BILDER ZUR DDR - ed. by Michael Buhrs & Sabine Schmid
My Contribution:
The work was first developed for the project:
Doppelte Ökonomien / Double Bound Economies (2012)
Vom Lesen eines Fotoarchivs aus der DDR (1967 – 1990) /
Reading an East German Photo Archive, 1967–1990
Fotos (c) Nikolaus Steglich (Museum Villa Stuck) und Katrin Mayer